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Agenda - September 15, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015
2:30-4:30 p.m., DTB 524
Teleconferencing Dial In: Toll-Free: 1-877-385-4099 Toll Free (Canada & USA)
Participant Passcode: 1028954# 

1.   Call to Order

2.   Agenda (M)

3.   Chair’s Remarks

4.   Minutes of the Meeting of June 16, 2015*

5.   Business Arising from the Minutes

6.   Inquiries and Communications

6.1   Synopsis of Board of Governors Meeting on June 25, 2015 – Public Session* (I)

7.   Provost’s Remarks

8.   Chancellor Search Update (T. McTiernan)

9.   Committee Reports

9.1   Executive Committee

9.1.1  Academic Council Work Plan 2015-2016* (I) (T. McTiernan/C. Foy)

9.1.2  Governance

a)      Academic Membership Update and Nominations to Academic Council* (A) (C. Foy)

b)      Board of Governors’ By-Law Review Project Working Group Nominations* (A) (C. Foy)

10.   Enrolment Update* (P) (D. Saucier)

11.   Other Business

12.   Colleagues’ Exchange

REMINDER:  Orientation Session 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (materials attached) and reception with Board of Governors

Becky Dinwoodie, Secretary

*Documents attached   (A) Approval      (D) Discussion    (I) Information  (P) Presentation