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Agenda - November 15, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
2:30-4:30 pm
Community Room (A144)


1.    Chair’s Remarks

2.    Minutes of the Meeting of October 18, 2011*

3.    Business Arising from the Minutes

4.    Inquiries and Communications

5.    Provost’s Remarks

6.    Committee Reports

6.1  Executive Committee (Tim McTiernan)* FOR ACTION

6.1.1    Ad Hoc Governance Committee – Extension of Reporting Deadline

6.2  Curriculum and Program Review Committee (Bill Muirhead)* FOR INFORMATION

6.3  Graduate Studies Committee (Brian Campbell)* FOR INFORMATION

7.    Registrar’s Report (Victoria Choy)* FOR ACTION

7.1 Conferral of Degrees for Summer 2011

8.    Association of Colleges and Universities of Canada (AUCC) Update (Tim McTiernan) FOR INFORMATION

9.    Report of the COU Academic Colleague (Mark Green) FOR INFORMATION

9.1 COU Academic Colleague Papers:  

10.  Other Business


Olivia Petrie, Secretary

* Documents attached