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Agenda - September 21, 2004

Academic Council

September 21, 2004
1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Community Room


1. Chair's Remarks (documents attached for information)

1.1. Memorandum of Agreement, July 28, 2004 740KB [This link will open in a new window.]
1.2. Revised Business Plan, August 2004 8825KB [This link will open in a new window.]
1.3. Durham College/UOIT Sharing Agreement (to come)
1.4. Durham College/UOIT "Appropriate Consideration" Agreement, August 26, 2004 43KB [This link will open in a new window.]
1.5. Draft Offering Memorandum (to come)

2. Minutes of the Meeting of May 18, 2004 162KB [This link will open in a new window.]

3. Business Arising From the Minutes

4. Inquiries and Communications

5. Provost's Remarks

6. Committee Reports

6.1 Executive Committee: Academic Council Committee Nominations (for action) 37KB [This link will open in a new window.]

7. Academic Appeals Process and Professional Unsuitability (Michael Finlayson) (for action) 51KB [This link will open in a new window.]

7.1. Faculty of Education (for action) 33KB [This link will open in a new window.]
7.2. Faculty of Health Sciences (for action) 28KB [This link will open in a new window.]

8. Registrar's Items (Kelly Bussell)

8.1. Enrolment Update (for information)
8.2. Deferral of Application Policy Change (for action) 29KB [This link will open in a new window.]
8.3. Policy on Graduation Notwithstanding a Deficiency (for action)20KB [This link will open in a new window.]

9. Academic Integrity (Bill Muirhead)

9.1. Policy (for action) 43KB [This link will open in a new window.]
9.2. Academic Integrity Handbook for Faculty 91KB [This link will open in a new window.]
9.3. Academic Integrity Handbook for Students 65KB [This link will open in a new window.]

10. Faculty Council Membership, Faculty of Health Sciences (Carolyn Byrne) (for action) 63KB [This link will open in a new window.]

11. Proposed Internship Program, Faculty of Business and Information Technology (Bernadette Schell) (for action) 56KB [This link will open in a new window.]

12. Other Business

Donald Wallace, Secretary