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Agenda - March 15, 2005

Academic Council

March 15, 2005

1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Community Room


1. Chair's Remarks

2. Minutes of the Meeting of February 15, 2005 (attached) 158KB [This link opens in a new window.]

3. Business Arising From the Minutes

4. Inquiries and Communications

4.1. Report from the Academic Colleague to the Council of Ontario Universities (Carolyn Byrne)

5. Committee Reports

5.1. Curriculum and Program Review Committee Report (attached) 103KB [This link opens in a new window.]

5.1.1. MSc in Applied Bioscience (attached) 454KB [This link opens in a new window.]

6. Registrar's Items (Richard Levin)

6.1. Enrolment Projection for 2005-06 (for information)

7. Report of the Review of the Durham-Trent-UOIT Agreement (Gary Polonsky)

8. Other Business

For Information

Undergraduate Program Review Schedule (attached) 20KB [This link opens in a new window.]

Donald Wallace, Secretary