Agenda - May 18, 2004
1. Chair's Remarks
2. Minutes of the Meeting of April 20, 2004 148KB [This link will open in a new window.]
3. Business Arising From the Minutes
4. Inquiries and Communications
4.1. Report from the Academic Colleague to COU (Carolyn Byrne)
5. Provost's Remarks
6. Committee Reports
6.1. Executive Committee (for action) 97KB [This link will open in a new window.]
6.2. Curriculum and Program Review Committee (for action)125KB [This link will open in a new window.]
Appendix A 148KB [This link will open in a new window.]
Appendix A1 1383KB [This link will open in a new window.]
Appendix B 557KB [This link will open in a new window.]
Appendix C 409KB [This link will open in a new window.]
Appendix C1 509KB [This link will open in a new window.]6.3. Admissions and Scholarships Committee (for action) 61KB [This link will open in a new window.]
7. Degree Nomenclature (Richard Levin) 37KB [This link will open in a new window.]
8. Other Business
Donald Wallace, Secretary