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HUM-0600 Pension: Plan Administration


Consists of all records that create and support the pension plan and pension fund. 

Includes pension plan documents and texts (including all amendments), documents filed in support of an application for plan registration (e.g. trust agreements, insurance contracts, member booklets), documents that set out the University's responsibilities with respect to the pension plan, delegation of plan or fund administration, copies of FSCO filings, reports or statements, copies of correspondence between the University, 3rd party service provider and FSCO, copies of any statements of investment policies and procedures. 

Excludes records of individual plan members. For records of individual plan members, see HUM-0610 Pension: Individual Beneficiary Entitlements and HUM-0620 Pension: Summary of Individual Beneficiaries.

Retention Trigger




Responsible Unit(s)

Human Resources


Generated by HR, received from 3rd party service provider or FSCO

Records System



Pension Benefits Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.8 s25-31
Regulation 909, R.R.O. 1990

Record Authority

VP Human Resources and Services


Secure destruction

Records Arising from Activity

pension plan documents and texts (including all amendments), documents filed in support of an application for plan registration (e.g. trust agreements, insurance contracts, member booklets), documents that set out the University’s responsibilities with respect to the pension plan, delegation of plan or fund administration, copies of FSCO filings, reports or statements, copies of correspondence between the University, 3rd party service provider and FSCO, copies of any statements of investment policies and procedures.

Retention Rationale

Advice from FSCO says that these records must always be made available.

Personal Information


Vital Record



Medium; Long term retention